THE Wardrobe update 


 Did you know that the average woman only wears only about  20% of her current wardrobe?

Crazy! Right.

A closet full of everything and not a lot to wear or being worn!

We don’t want that for our power-house clients! We want you to have amazing wardrobes, that you can feel empowered and great about!

Typically, the culprit is one or more of the following: not knowing your Style personality, not knowing how to put looks together, being stuck in a box, aimlessly purchasing clothing, not knowing your best colors|body shape, and|or not knowing the message that you would like to send in your appearance.

We believe that for every area, that we show up in, in your business & personal lives -your wardrobe should be a source of inspiration and a mini-boutique that we can easily Style ourselves from. (including for special events, photoshoots etc.)

As we grow and evolve as business women, our taste, style aesthetics, personality and lifestyle goes with it. Anything that is not serving you or giving what 

it’s supposed to Give-should GO! Your future self & brand is depending upon what’s in your closet!

In this VIP experience, we will partner with you to revisit your present style, color & body analysis, guidance on each garment, maximizing the remaining items, education on dressing. This includes a digital guide with recommendations.

(Investment starts at $2197)